Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dear Mr. Trashman

I've been sitting here for an hour or so trying to convert inches into feet on some measurements I took of some vanities and back splashes. I need to figure the square feet so I can do a bid. My brain wont work. So right now I give up. Instead I decided to blog, which might be difficult since my brain don't work no more. So I'm up for some brain exercising. I've done this once before a long time ago, and Lois suggested I give up blogging and start a you tube channel giving advice. So I thought I would give it a try again on the old blog here. Plus it will make me use my head and give y'all the answers you need.

Here's what's gonna happen, you my dear readers are going to either leave questions in the comments section or email them to me ( and I will answer them. My answer will be exactly how I would handle the situation. You can ask my advice on any subject, I have the answer. You have one week. I will post the answers next Sunday night. If you want it to be private you better let me know. And if any of you ladies need private counseling just let me know. We'll work something out. ;)

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