Sunday, February 20, 2005

Just A Few Words

I have finally answered all the comments from my last blog. I let things get a little carried away and then the thought of all that work overwhelmed me, but I buckled down and got it done. OK Jeanette?

I would like to thank El Sid for causing me to ignore my duties. I spent the weekend sending bloody penguin heads across the frozen Tundra and all you offer me is Lite Beer? Sorry old beer commercial. I thought it was funny but I'm not sure how many of you are old enough to remember it.

One thing I would like to touch on (besides myself) is the amount of hate mail screaming around cyberspace. I know a few of you have blogged and ranted about this already, but I need to put in my two cents.

A few of the lady bloggers have been attacked through comments and email. It has gotten to the point that one password protected her site, two I know of have changed their URL and another decided to quit altogether. Now I read all of these ladies and I have never read anything written by any of them that would warrant a personal attack. I haven't always agreed with everything they've written, but that's what makes this country great. The ability to disagree and form our own opinions. This however does not give anyone the right to attack or threaten anyone else.

Another thing I don't understand is why anyone would attack any of these four ladies. They are not controversial, they just have their opinions, and they posted them. Four innocent women minding their own business being attacked by assholes. None of them deserved what happened.

I on the other hand deserve hate mail. I am an ex-criminal talking about the things I've gotten away with. Usually I'm gloating about out smarting the cops. I've said from the beginning I'm an ASSHOLE, but I'm not the kind of asshole that preys on women. I enjoy being an asshole. If I didn't I would have changed years ago.

So from one asshole to another. Try that shit with me. I don't play by the rules. I'm not going to take your IP address to the police. I'm not going to file a complaint. I'm not going to call anybody. Nope. I'm going to hunt you down myself and handle things MY way.

I know that last paragraph was contradictory to what I said earlier about threats. What can I say other than, I'm a complex dude.

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